Welcome. I’m not sure what path this will take, but it begins in failure. If I’m not inventing references from Jewish culture, I reach to Ireland where it is said that a writer is nothing but a failed conversationalist(I have no idea if they say that in Ireland-I hazily recall being told so). If I have failed to communicate clearly in my role as psychiatrist, I have now begun a new phase of my career-to obfuscate even further and ever farther medical lore. I plan to pound out the latest neuroscience encased in humor and good intent with the hope that it helps. If it is good then people will read it.
Rather than avoid any effort today to convey secrets and facts out of the vault we call the brain, I will provide a blurb on hazy recall. It is not a sign of early Alzheimer’s or as my spouse likes to call it Half-zheimer’s. In this day and age, especially most of urban America, we work too hard, do not exercise, eat poorly, sleep poorly, harbor resentments, envy, drink too much, gossip and avoid loving like we should. F.T. Prince wrote, “because to love is frightening we prefer the freedom of our crimes.” I say to reside in love and truth we must brave an open heart. So, what does that have to do with neuroscience? Everything. G”d or however you deem creation(this is an open-minded blog) made an amazing neuroanatomical twist when the hippocampus and amygdala were intimately linked. The hippocampus manages facts(in a devious binary fashion that will be discussed in the future); the amygdala, emotions. So, hazy recall is often nothing more than your brain refusing to feel one more emotion or display one more mood in order to protect your secrets. In order to love you have to pay attention. You have to listen. It starts with effort and from the heart.